Classic Tailoring Techniques, 2nd Edition

Roberto Cabrera’s book, Classic Tailoring Techniques is getting a revision!

Cabrera’s textbook has long been one of the only references on tailoring, and certainly the best one available to novices. Stanley Hostek wrote a few exhaustive books but they weren’t as accessible to learners and Cabrera’s book. My one quibble about the Cabrera book was that some of the techniques were somewhat dated, and hopefully this revision will address those issues.

Copies can be pre-ordered, and as of this writing there are 171 days before the release date; I have requested a review copy so I will hopefully have something more useful to say about it soon.

10 Replies to “Classic Tailoring Techniques, 2nd Edition

  1. Hi Jeffery,
    Thank you so much for alerting us to the revised book.
    I would be really interested to learn your thoughts when you receive a copy. I had the original book on my wish list with Amazon, but I was a little put off by previous buyers comments about the quality of the photographs etc.
    The cover seems to suggest an up grade and a comprehensive tailoring book for a novice like me, in respect of tailoring would be worthy of the shelf space in my sewing room.

    Again, thank you for sharing.

    By the way, I do so hope that your hand is improving as time goes on. I know it has taken a long time to get my hand and arm working after the surgery I had, but, I have got there and I really hope you do. How I would love to see a more detailed video from you on your spectacular handworked buttonholes…………..I rave about them to anyone willing to listen!

  2. I look forward to your review. As the book cover says "Menswear," please ask the publisher if a new edition of the Women's Wear book is forthcoming, or if there is a discussion of the differences between men's (Do they still use "gents"?) and ladies tailoring. Hint: Good future blog post topic too.

    $90 for a paperback volume that has to be handled. *whistles* I'll probably buy it, but I wish I could buy two: One to use, and one to preserve.

  3. I'm eating breakfast in a restaurant and based on my reaction, the people next to me think I'm crazy!

  4. I've made six coats following that book. Curious if you know who's doing the updates. Is Sr. Cabrera still involved?

  5. Ladies and Gents,

    indeed, it is with the greatest pleasure that I would like to confirm that the second edition of Classic Tailoring Techniques is on its way!

    I have been truly honored to have been asked to undertake this task, and hope that I have done this masterpiece justice. The primary focus of the second edition has been to update the art (photos instead of illustrations wherever possible, and addition of accent color). We also introduced sections on ironwork, in response to many comments on this and other sartorial blogs. Finally, we briefly discuss some of the key regional variations (British, Neapolitan, American) and applications of traditional tailoring processes in the high-end designer menswear marketplace.
    Hopefully these updates meet your approval. I do look very much forward to receiving feedback from all of you, and rest assured that when time comes for a third edition, your opinions and advice will be at the front of the list!

    In the meantime, kindest regards to all, and happy reading!


  6. My first edition copy (ah, that lovely green cover!) is all dog-eared and roughed up with use and from being transported in my backpack to and from school all those years ago! I'm so excited the new edition is out!

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